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Forum Citizen Science 2022 in Germany - Register now!

25. February 2022Citizen ScienceResearcher

The Citizen Science Forum will take place in Sankt Augustin from 12-13 May. The focus is on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

New call for abstracts: Conference ESPAnet 2022 of the European Network for Social Policy Analysis

22. February 2022Citizen ScienceResearcher

The conference ESPAnet 2022 will take place from 14-16 September in Vienna. The deadline for the call for abstracts is 4 April 2022.

ScienceComm’22 in Bern in June

21. February 2022Science communicationResearcher

On 22 June 2022, the Swiss conference will focus on "the tension between science and democracy", "health" and "data visualisation".

UNESCO publishes Recommendation on Open Science

18. February 2022Citizen ScienceResearcher

The Open Science document was adopted by 193 countries. For the first time, there is an international definition of Open Science.

New call “The knowledge of the many - science communication in Vienna”

17. February 2022Citizen ScienceResearcher

The Cultural Department of the City of Vienna (MA 7) promotes innovative science communication projects that contribute to reducing science skepticism.