Numerous citizen science platforms and information sites around the world offer many opportunities for browsing. They bundle national and international projects and provide helpful information as an introduction to citizen science.
The following list provides an overview without claiming to be exhaustive.
In Australia, the project platform Australian Citizen Science Project Finder offers the possibility to search for national but also international citizen science projects.
On Atlas of Living Australia data on Australian biodiversity is collected.
New Zealand
The Participatory Science Platform lists numerous New Zealand citizen science projects that are funded under Curious Minds programs.
EU-Citizen.Science is a European online platform for sharing knowledge, tools, training and resources for citizen science.
In the Flemish Region, the Citizen Science Center Scivil was initiatied in 2019. It aims to support citizen scientists and researchers. The Flemish platform Iedereen Wetenschapper collects citizen science projects from different scientific fields.
The platform Citizen Science Portalen presents Danish and international projects on various topics.
Bürger schaffen Wissen is the central citizen science platform in Germany.
The plattform Observatoires Participatifs des Espèces et de la Nature presents participatory projects on biodiversity.
Great Britain
At the local level there is the Scottish Citizen Science Portal, which targets two groups of people: firstly Citizen Scientists looking for projects and secondly project managers from the Scottish Environment Protection Agency.
The independent public Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) provides information about ongoing citizen science projects on its website.
In Italy, the network Citizen Science Italia was founded in 2023. The network's website provides an overview of Italian citizen science projects.
ARCS (ARenas for Cooperation through Citizen Science) is a cooperation project between the University of Gothenburg, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, the University of Umeå and the non-profit organization "VA (Public & Science)". The goal is to create a national web portal for CS.
The Citizen Science Platform Schweiz forscht offers not only projects on various topics such as society, climate, language and space, but also information on citizen science and the national network in Switzerland. In 2017, the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich established the citizen science competence center under the name Citizen Science Center Zurich. In addition, the Partizipative Wissenschaftsakademie opened at the end of 2018 offering educational services.
Since 2011, the national non-profit foundation Ibercivis has been committed to building CS initiatives. It also coordinates the Ciencia Ciudadana en Espana. On a local level, the CS office Oficina de Ciencia Ciudadana de Barcelona was founded in Barcelona in 2012 by the Cultural Institute of the City of Barcelona. The aim of the office is to bundle local citizen science projects and thereby to tackle social and ecological challenges of the city together with citizens, as well as to create a teaching and learning space for new initiatives.
The Environmental social science research group (ESSRG) is particularly active in Hungary.
On the portal Cientópolis interested people can find citizen science information and projects to participate.
On the SiBBr platform, data on biodiversity in Brazil are collected and made available to interested parties and research. In addition, the platform presents a number of citizen science projects.
In 2015 the foundation Fundacíon Ciencia Ciudadana was founded, which provides an overview of Chilean citizen science projects on its website.
The Canadian government has created a Citizen Science Portal on its website and presents a number of scientific projects.
The US government's platform supports the development of crowdsourcing and citizen science in the USA. There are three sections on the website: Projects, Toolkit and Community.
Another citizen science initiative originating in the USA is the GLOBE program (Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment). The goal is to involve students, teachers and citizens in scientific research projects. The collaborative research projects range from the study of the atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere to soil science.
One of the largest citizen science platforms worldwide is the American platform SciStarter. There you will find more than 1,500 international projects to participate in.
Zooniverse is one of the first citizen science platforms that emerged from the citizen science project Galaxy Zoo and was built in 2019. It contains many projects from different disciplines such as biology, art and history. The headquarters are in Great Britain and the USA.