If you want to support science, pursue your interests in history, the environment, or human behavior, or exchange ideas with like-minded people, citizen science is the answer! There are many projects worldwide in which people can participate online, in nature or from home. Numerous (inter)national project platforms are available for this purpose, making it easier to find the right project.
Citizen Science Project Platforms
In Austria, numerous research institutions carry out citizen science projects, some of which are presented on their own websites. National project platforms are also nothing new in the German-speaking region. Citizen science projects can be found on Österreich forscht, Schweiz forscht and in Germany on Bürger schaffen Wissen. If you look further afield, you will discover citizen science platforms in many countries worldwide. The search is worthwhile! Because time and again, the citizen science projects presented there also offer interested people from abroad the chance to participate. Large international project platforms are for example Scistarter or Zooniverse.
- Citizen Science in Austria
- Citizen Science projects international
Projects for Schools
Citizen science projects offer pupils an ideal opportunity to experience research at first hand. This not only makes scientific processes more transparent and comprehensible, but also strengthens interest in and trust in science. The topics are diverse and can be integrated very well into school lessons. Tips for successful cooperation between science and school can be found in our handout. The Young Science website offers a collection of citizen science projects for schools. In addition, school classes are invited to participate in the Citizen Science Award research competition every year. Each year, there are six to eight science projects to choose from in which students can participate and contribute to research. The most committed of them are awarded cash prizes of up to 1,000 euros at a festive ceremony. In 2021, the Citizen Science funding program "Sparkling Science 2.0" has been launched. Funding is available for research projects in which school classes and, where relevant, other citizens are involved in the research process.