Current calls

Pusteblume © Pixabay/Susanne Jutzeler

Would you like to submit to national or international funding initiatives, conferences or scientific journals? Are you looking for suitable calls on citizen science? Then you are in the right place!

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If you know of other calls, we would be happy to include them here. Please send the information to .

National projects

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  • The FTI Citizen Science 2024 Call focuses on the comprehensive participation of citizen scientists in research projects and thus on the in-depth exchange between science and the population.

    Applications for Citizen Science projects can be submitted for all fields of action of the FTI Strategy Lower Austria 2027. These include

    • Health and nutrition
    • Environment, climate and resources
    • Digitalisation, intelligent production and materials
    • Society and culture

    The submission of Citizen Science research projects is possible from 16 May 2024 to 20 September 2024.

    Further information 

  • In the Impact Innovation program, the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG) promotes the use of innovation methods to solve a problem. Central to this is a process in which a wide range of people are involved in order to find new ideas and develop an effective solution. The result can be services, products or processes that offer added value for the target group.

    Applications are open to all research topics - whether traditional or very current fields of technology (e.g. digitalization, climate, environment, mobility, energy, circular economy, eco-technologies, sustainability, decarbonization, etc.). The transformation towards a sustainable economy is also supported.

    Further information 

  • The Vienna Business Agency provides the Understanding Science funding to assist in communication activities that aim to present research and scientific results in an understandable and easily accessible manner. Interested parties can apply for Understanding Science Funding to cover payroll costs, costs for services, including fees for speakers or knowledge procurement, travel expenses for speakers, moderators, or lecturers, for the purchase of machines or licenses, and for the acquisition of intellectual property rights.

    Further information

  • The Austrian Academy of Sciences (ÖAW) has been awarding annual scholarships in the field of science journalism since 2019. These scholarships support journalistic projects with a total of 20,000 euros, which are divided into four scholarships of 5,000 euros each.

    Interested journalists who work in Austria and have at least one year of experience in science journalism are invited to submit their project proposals by 10 September 2024.

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European projects

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  • Horizon Europe is the new EU research and innovation program of the European Commission (EC) with €95.5 billion in funding for the seven-year period. A good opportunity to familiarise yourself with the EC's funding criteria is to work as a scientific evaluator. You will find all the relevant information on the Portal Funding & Tender Opportunities.

  • In the context of the EU's New European Bauhaus (NEB) initiative, projects can be submitted in the "Connect New European Bauhaus Open Call 2025" until 26 September 2024. Project applications must focus on the participation of citizens and should thematically address challenges in the areas of climate, urban mobility, food and production.

    The programme will fund up to eight projects with a maximum amount of 15,000 euros per project and a co-financing rate of at least 20%.

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International projects

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  • The aim of the PartWiss conferences on networking and strengthening participation in science is to intensify the scientific exchange on the challenges and potential of participatory and transdisciplinary research and to further strengthen the networking of relevant actors.

    PartWiss 24 will take place from 4-6 December 2024 in Berlin.

    Contributions can be submitted until 19 July 2024.

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