Workshop: Open Data in Citizen Science Biodiversity Projects

WebinarCitizen Science

The D-A-CH working group is offering a webinar on the topic of open data, which is aimed specifically at project managers and staff in biodiversity projects. The workshop offers valuable insights and practical assistance for researchers who want to make the best use of their datasets and make them accessible.

Data publication made easy

After a research project is completed, often only parts of the collected data are published - but what happens to the rest? Countless hours, weeks and months go into collecting and organizing data, which then disappears into drawers, on USB sticks or servers.

Yet the data collected is invaluable, especially in biodiversity research. They document the occurrence and diversity of species in their habitats and the changes to which they are subject. They are therefore of central importance for future research, analyses and for the appreciation of one's own work.

When it comes to publishing data, questions often arise: What options are there for publishing my data? What is involved in a complete data publication? How time-consuming is the process, where is the data stored and how does it get there? Who can use the data and under what conditions?

The workshop will take place online on Zoom on November 14, 2024 from 09:00-12:00. Registration is required. The number of places is limited to 30 people. Registration is via on a first come, first serve basis. Registration deadline is November 11, 2024. The event language is German.


14. November 2024 09:00 to 12:00 Online AG D-A-CH Export Event as iCal