Exhibition on multilingualism in public spaces in Vienna

30. April 2024Sparkling Science

The Sparkling Science project VisibLL hosted an exhibition opening on 23 April.

New policy brief on science communication in informal settings

26. April 2024Science communication

The COALESCE project's policy brief emphasises the importance of science communication for an informed society.

Wissen der Vielen – research prize for citizen science

25. April 2024Citizen Science

The German Research Award for Citizen Science is entering a new round. Publications can currently be submitted.

Join in the research at the City Nature Challenge

24. April 2024Citizen Science

The City Nature Challenge will take place from 26 to 29 April 2024. 13 cities and regions from all nine federal states in Austria are taking part.

WILDLIFE CRIME presents results at ECSA 2024

23. April 2024Sparkling Science

In the Sparkling Science project, pupils are researching the illegal trade in wild animals and plants.