Citizen Science Award 2023: The projects are online

21. January 2023Citizen Science

This year, eight citizen science projects invite Austrian school classes, individuals and, for the first time, families to participate in research from April 1 to July 31. Citizen …

New citizen science calls in Horizon Europe

20. January 2023Citizen Science

Currently, there are a number of citizen-science-related funding opportunities.

Article on „Sparkling Science 2.0“ in the magazine Green Care

13. January 2023Sparkling ScienceCitizen Science

An article on the "Sparkling Science 2.0" funding program was published in the issue 4/22 under the title "Sparkling Science: Researching together".

Results published - The brochure "Citizen Science - Research with Schools" in a reality check

12. January 2023Citizen Science

During a workshop, aspects of citizen science with schools were critically reflected by the participants. The results have now been published.

Funding for new/ongoing Citizen Science projects & EU Citizen Science Prize

11. January 2023Citizen ScienceResearcher

The EU project "IMPETUS" awards 10,000 euros for ongoing and 20,000 euros for new citizen science projects. The EU prize recognises exceptional initiatives.