European exchange on Citizen Science promotes know-how of EU member states

12. July 2022Citizen ScienceResearcher

The exchange takes place in the form of a Mutual Learning Exercise (MLE) of the European Commission called "Citizen Science Initiatives - Policy and Practice".

Save the date: Austrian Citizen Science Conference 2023

11. July 2022Citizen ScienceResearcher

At the end of June, the venue and date for 2023 was announced at this year's Austrian Citizen Science Conference.

All the way to Dornbirn - looking back at the 7th Austrian Citizen Science Conference

7. July 2022Citizen Science

At the end of June, the staff of the OeAD Center for Citizen Science visited the inatura in Dornbirn to meet the citizen science community.

Sparkling Science 2.0: 34 Citizen Science Projects receive Funding

4. July 2022Citizen ScienceResearcher

With a budget of 11.5 million euros, the Austrian Ministry of Science is funding 34 innovative research projects in which researchers work together with school classes.

The new citizen science newsletter is out!

4. July 2022Citizen ScienceScience communication

On 1 July 2022, the latest information on Citizen Science was sent out.