Psychological Counseling Centers

22. November 2017

Our Psychological Counseling Centers help you choose and start your university studies, assist you in your personal development and provide guidance for academic and personal …

Share of international students remains steady at approximately 27 percent

14. November 2017

More than 102,000 of the 370,600 students in Austria in the winter semester 2016/17 came from abroad.

HERAS Scholarships: new call for applications

10. November 2017CallScholarship

Staff members of Kosovan public universities: get ready! The 2nd call for scholarship applications has been launched.

Another former Franz Werfel scholarship holder distinguished

10. November 2017ResearcherScholarshipAlumni

Awarding of the Austrian Cross of Honour for Science and Art to the former Franz Werfel scholarship holder Eleonora Ringler-Pascu

New outfit for the database for scholarships and research funding,

12. September 2017ResearcherStudiesScholarship

The website was relaunched and is now online.