Science Fund funds four new citizen science projects

21. October 2022Citizen Science

For the sixth time, the Austrian Science Fund is funding extension modules of ongoing FWF projects through its Top Citizen Science program.

This was the ECSA Conference 2022

20. October 2022Citizen Science

From October 5-7, 2022, the European Citizen Science Association conference focused on "Citizen science for planetary health."

Webinar recording „Learning from mistakes: failures in citizen science” online

17. October 2022Citizen Science

On November 16, 2022, the OeAD Center for Citizen Science organised a webinar together with ECSA and Austrian research institutions on citizen science fails. The recording is …

ECSA conference is coming to Austria in 2024!

13. October 2022Citizen ScienceScience communication

The conference of the European Citizen Science Association will take place in Vienna under the motto "Change".

Workshop: Orienting participatory research projects towards societal impacts

12. October 2022Citizen ScienceResearcher

On November 22, 2022, researchers and citizens can learn about the concept of "Theory of Change".