The first Sparkling Science projects are online

26. September 2022Sparkling ScienceCitizen Science

In the first call for proposals of "Sparkling Science 2.0", 34 Citizen Science projects were funded. The first of these are already online.

OIS zam: Forum for health and well-being

23. September 2022Citizen Science

At the first "OIS zam" conference in October in Vienna, researchers and citizens will present their joint health projects. Register now!

Our contribution at the annual conference "Education through Responsibility" next week

21. September 2022Citizen Science

On September 30, the OeAD Center for Citizen Science will give a presentation on "Citizen Science as an Approach to Inquiry-Discovery Learning in Teacher Education & Training".

Science communication: Participants wanted for online survey

15. September 2022Science communication

As part of a master's thesis, people are being surveyed who communicate scientific topics to lay people or plan to do so in the future.

Science Communication Day in Klosterneuburg

13. September 2022Science communication

On September 21, 2022, a panel discussion on the opportunities and limitations of science communication will take place at the Institute of Science and Technology Austria.