Take part in the Citizen Science NOW project survey now!

31. August 2022Citizen Science

The Erasmus+ project "Digital Citizen Science: Network, transfOrm, groW" surveys researchers, citizen scientists, policy markers, and members of public and non-governmental …

New Publication: Citizen science in environmental and ecological sciences

29. August 2022Citizen Science

A new article in the journal “Nature” highlights the full research cycle of Citizen Science in the environmental and ecological sciences while discussing limitations and …

Five new citizen science projects in the humanities and social sciences funded

26. August 2022Citizen Science

Five pilot projects will soon be launched in Europe and Africa as part of the EU's COESO project. The topics range from "water quality" to "people with disabilities.

Special issue of the journal "Sensors" on Citizen Science

25. August 2022Citizen Science

Submit articles now on the topic "Enabling Citizen Science in Communal Smart Environments with IoT Technology". Deadline is January 20, 2023.

Submit a proposal for Ecsite Conference 2023 now!

24. August 2022Citizen Science

The Science Engagement Conference will be held in Malta from June 15 - 17, 2023. Session proposals can be submitted until October 31.