Lecture at the Pädagogische Hochschule Oberösterreich

18. March 2022 Citizen SciencePublic Science
Ansicht von Linz mit Donau im Vordergrund
The OeAD Center for Citizen Science will introduced Master's students of the PH Upper Austria to the topic of "Citizen Science" on 17 March.

As part of the Master's programme for secondary education at the University of Teacher Education in Upper Austria, the staff of the OeAD Centre for Citizen Science presented different aspects of Citizen Science. During the lecture thy explained what Citizen Science is, which best practice examples exist and how Citizen Science can be integrated in schools. The students also discussed the question of what would motivate them as future teachers to use Citizen Science with their classes.

If your institution is also interested in a lecture, please contact citizenscience@oead.at

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