Review: Sparkling Science Spotlight with “Recycling Heroes” and “SparCling Matrix"

16. September 2024 Sparkling ScienceCitizen Science
Menschen reparieren Geräte
The current Sparkling Science projects presented their research and lessons learned in the webinar.

Georg Jäggle (Vienna University of Technology) from the Sparkling Science project “Recycling Heroes” and Renate Gehwolf and Andrea Wagner (Paracelsus Medical University) from “SparCling Matrix” gave an insight into their research content and collaboration with students as Citizen Scientists on September 12, 2024.

Lessons learned

In both projects, it was found that monthly project meetings with all participants make a significant contribution to progress. Communication with teachers and pupils should be approachable; emails also work well with the young co-researchers.

In “SparCling Matrix”, a smaller group of students researches a special medical topic. These are selected in each participating year group according to interest. The collaboration is correspondingly intensive.

In “Recycling Heroes”, the group of participants is larger. Among other things, this created a direct exchange between vocational schools and higher vocational schools, which otherwise did not have many points of contact in everyday school life.

More information from the projects, lessons learned and tips can be found in the recording.

Upcoming spotlights

Monthly Sparkling Science Spotlights will take place in the winter semester 2024/25. Registration for the upcoming dates is possible here. The recordings of all previous lectures are available on the website of the OeAD Center for Citizen Science
