Recap of the event on the citizen science funding landscape

27. March 2023 Citizen ScienceResearcher
Gelbe Wegweiser in einer bergigen Landschaft
On March 9, the online event "The Citizen Science Funding Landscape" was held, featuring European funding and "Sparkling Science 2.0".

As part of the EU project "Time4CS", which deals with the anchoring of citizen science, an online event on citzen science funding was held in March. The aim was to present funding opportunities at different levels: local, national and international. 

The presentations

Rosa Arias (Science for Change) kicked off by presenting experiences from EU funding programs. She then reported on the results of the Mutual Learning Exercise on citizen science and concluded with a series of recommendations on how to support citizen science and what applicants should consider.

The second presentation by Marika Cieslinski from the OeAD Center for Citizen Science addressed the citizen science funding program Sparkling Science 2.0. First, she discussed the impact of the predecessor program "Sparkling Science" and then she presented the new funding criteria.

In the third presentation, Gefion Thuermer from the project IMPETUS presented the requirements of the funding opportunities for new and already running citizen science projects.

All presentations can be downloaded from the "Time4CS" website.


Further information