Discover Insects – Nearly 8,500 Dragonflies, Butterflies, Bumblebees, and Grasshoppers

25. June 2024 Citizen Science
Libelle auf Grashalm
Until July 31st, you can participate in the Citizen Science Award. Exciting prizes await!

A total of 8,493 reports were submitted to between early April and mid-June as part of the Citizen Science Award. With 4,833 butterfly reports, this category clearly leads the list. However, there were also numerous sightings from the other three insect groups being monitored (bumblebees, dragonflies, and grasshoppers).

The Nature Conservation Association is delighted with the enthusiastic participation of 706 dedicated amateur researchers so far and hopes that the number of reports will continue to rise. Each observation shared on makes an indispensable contribution to the protection of these species. More information about the project and how to participate in the Citizen Science Award can be found on the Young Science website.