Citizen Scientists will be honoured at the 3rd Young Science Congress

9. September 2024 Citizen SciencePublic Science
Young Science Kongress 2023
The congress will take place on 24 October 2024 at the KPH Vienna/Krems, Strebersdorf site.

The Young Science Congress marks the ceremonial conclusion of the Citizen Science Awards 2024. Until 31 July, school classes, youth groups, families and individuals were able to participate in research in eight projects and thus make a significant contribution to science. The winners will be honoured during the congress. In addition, the finalists of the ‘Young Science Inspiration Award’ will present the results of their pre-scientific theses.

In the morning, pupils can take part in a varied programme of scientific workshops with researchers and complete a ‘Science Parcours’.

From 22 September, school classes that are not among the winning schools of the Citizen Science Award can also register.

Further information can be found on the Young Science website.